We chose to walk the Calzada Romana route from Calzadilla de los Hermanillos to Mansilla de las Mulas. A route not so often walked.
John Brierley wrote about this stage…
On the Calzada Romana we will encounter no asphalt roads, no sendas, no town, no farmyard, no house but also no water fonts and little shade apart from the few rivers that crisscross this tranquil landscape. Classified as the most perfect extant stretch of Roman Road left in Spain today, we follow in the footsteps of Emperor Augustus himself but he will have travelled with a retinue of servants not available to a humble pilgrim.
A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino de Santiago
I can confirm there were no services and very little shade. But there was a 2000 year old Roman Road! We got to follow in the steps of Emperors!
There were also a few new (to me) plants that I spotted along the Way.

The landscape was monotonous and the heat was prickly.

As we neared our destination I noticed a bird flitting across the path. I managed to catch the Eurasian Hoopoe perching on an irrigation pole.

We arrived early (12.30p) but then we left early as well (7.15a) due to the temperature climbing to 30 degrees Celsius and the lack of wind.