Tag: Flowers
Familiar Flora
As we near the end of our Camino, I’m starting to notice some familiar plants along the Way. The Cabbage Tree (which is endemic to New Zealand) is also known as a Torbay Palm tree in the UK. The growing heart of a cabbage tree is edible and tastes much like (wait for it)… cabbage…
Galician flora
The past few days have seen very few new flora on the Way. Having entered Galicia we are seeing less fields of grain and instead more cows (and when you can’t see them you can certainly smell them). The Oakmoss has actually been present for ages but I only really noticed it a couple days…
Post-meseta flora
So many familiar flowers along the Way of late… but also loads of new ones – some completely unexpected. Some Nerium oleander – all three colours! Finally some more edible flora… We haven’t seen the grain fields we saw all along the meseta for a while now. Lots of sweet chestnut trees though! Note the…
Meseta Flora
The Meseta is over 200km. That’s a lot of plants to walk past and try to identify! I’ve included all the ones that I hadn’t already seen to date. My main criteria is that it has to either look nice, smell nice or be edible. Several are familiar in name – but it’s exciting to…
Flora to die for
Not everything we see along the Way is edible – obviously! Some of the plants have such obvious names that you’d be a bit of a fool to even play with them! I met a wonderful young man today who informed me that “carrot” is “Karóto” in Greek! Thank you James!
They seek him here – they seek him there!
I’ve noticed these pretty red flowers for a few days now. It turns out they are known as scarlet pimpernel. Scarlet pimpernel flowers open only when the sun shines; their habit of closing in dull weather has given the plant the name “poor man’s weather-glass.” Personally I find it easier to just look up at…